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Breeding and Management of Laying Hens-Part 1

① Physiological characteristics of laying hens

1. The body is still developing after childbirth

Although the hens just entering the egg laying period are sexual maturity and begin to lay eggs, their bodies are not fully developed yet, and their weight is still growing. Their weight can still increase by 30-40 grams per week. After 20 weeks of postpartum delivery, growth and fertility basically stop at around 40 weeks of age, and weight gain decreases. After 40 weeks of age, weight gain is mainly due to fat deposition.

Therefore, at different stages of the laying period, it is necessary to consider the differences in chickens

The characteristics of growth and development, as well as the egg production situation, should be raised.

2. Sensitivity to environmental changes

During the laying period, the replacement of feed formula and feeding equipment for chickens, as well as environmental temperature, humidity, ventilation, light, feeding density, personnel, noise, disease, epidemic prevention, and daily management procedures, should be carried out

As well as changes in other factors, stress reactions can occur, which can have adverse effects on egg production and limit the performance of egg production. Therefore, maintaining the feed formula and feeding equipment for laying hens

The stability of the environment is a necessary condition for maintaining stable egg production performance.

3. Different week-old laying hens have different nutrient utilization rates

At the beginning of sexual maturity, the calcium storage capacity of chicken was significantly enhanced; During the peak production period, the food intake continues to increase and the digestion and absorption capacity increases; In the later stage of egg production, the digestion ability weakens and the fat deposition ability increases; After the peak period, reduce protein energy levels and increase energy levels before elimination.

4. At the end of an egg laying period, the hen naturally molts

After the end of an egg laying period, the hen naturally molts. Starting from

It usually takes 2-4 months for the new feathers to grow fully, and production will be suspended. After the molting is completed, the hen will lay eggs again, but the overall egg production rate in the second laying cycle will decrease by 10% to 15%, and the egg weight will increase by 6% to 7%.

5. Significant changes in secondary sexual characteristics such as crown and beard

The comb of a single crowned white Laihang laying hen changes from yellow to pink, then to a bright red. The brown eggshell chicken comb has changed from light red to a bright red color

6. Changes in chirping sounds

Chickens that are about to start producing and chickens that have not had a long start date often produce

The melodious long sound of 'cluck, cluck' is constantly heard in the chicken coop, indicating that the egg production rate of the flock will quickly increase. here

Breeding management should be more meticulous and meticulous, especially to prevent sudden stress

The occurrence of phenomena.

Changes in skin pigments

After laying eggs, the yellow pigment on different parts of the skin of the White Leghorn chicken gradually decreases in an orderly manner, with the order of disappearance being around the eyes, around the ears, from the tip of the beak to the root of the beak, and in the tibia and claws. high yield

The yellow pigment of laying hens fades quickly, while the yellow pigment of low yielding laying hens fades slowly. The yellow pigment of discontinued chickens will gradually deposit again. So, the level of egg production performance of chicken flocks can be judged based on the disappearance of yellow pigment.

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② The feeding method of laying hens

The feeding methods of laying hens are divided into two categories, namely flat and cage raising, with different feeding methods equipped with different feeding facilities. Flat maintenance can be divided into three methods: mat floor flat maintenance, online flat maintenance, and mixed flat maintenance of ground and online.

1. Flat maintenance

Flat breeding refers to the use of various ground structures to raise chickens on a flat surface. Generally, every 4-5 chickens are equipped with an egg laying nest for drinking water

The equipment adopts sinks or nipple type water dispensers on both sides of the house, and the feeding equipment can use bucket, chain slot feeder, or spiral spring feeder, etc.

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The advantage of flat farming is that it requires less one-time investment, facilitates large-scale observation of the condition of the chicken flock, has more activity, and has solid bones. The disadvantage is that.

The breeding density is low, making it difficult to catch chickens and requiring an egg box.

(1) The investment in flat maintenance of cushion materials is relatively low, and generally, the cushion.

The material bedding is 8-10 centimeters, with low breeding density, easy humidity inside the house, and more eggs and dirty eggs outside the nest. In cold seasons, poor ventilation and dirty air can easily lead to respiratory diseases.

(2) Online flat curing Online flat curing is the use of wooden slats or bamboo rafts erected about 70cm from the ground, and the Flat noodles are 2.0~5.0 wide.

Centimeters, with a gap of 2.5 centimeters. Plastic Flat noodles can also be used, which is firm and durable, easy to clean and disinfect, and has high cost. This type of flat farming can raise 1/3 more chickens per square meter than flat farming with bedding, making it easier to keep in the house.

Maintaining cleanliness and dryness, keeping the chicken body away from feces, is beneficial for preventing the occurrence of parasitic diseases.

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(3) 1/3 of the floor and online mixed flat nursing home area is Mating ground, centered or on both sides, with the other 2/3 of the area being erected.

The net surface made of wood strips or bamboo rafts is 40~50 higher than the ground.

Centimeters form the form of "two high and one low". This method can also be used for breeding chickens, especially for meat use, which is beneficial for improving egg production and fertilization rate

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Post time: Jun-27-2023